I’ll have a booth in the upcoming, “It’s a Spring Thing Craft Fair” at St. Killian School in Hartford, WI, Saturday, April 13, 2024. I am happy this craft fair is back! This is the first time they are hosting this event since 2019, before COVID. This is also my first craft fair of 2024. I hope to see you there! 😀
That was quick! Blue Sock Monkey is on his way to a beautiful life. But before I sent him on his way, at my customer’s request, I added a fluffy red pompom hat to his head. He’s even cuter!
Happy New Year, All! Did you make New Year resolutions? Have you implemented them with a cheerful soul? Did you just roll your eyes at me? I hope not, but if you did, don’t. As obnoxious as all of the new year ads for self help and weight loss are, it’s a great time to readjust ourselves and make some personal goals. Do I have some? Yes. Are they written down? Not quite yet, but I am working on it. AND, one of my resolutions is to add to my blog more often this year. Look at me, making a resolution HAPPEN! I make that resolution every year. It’s a great time to readjust!
What am I up to? Well, yesterday I was working diligently in my office on paperwork, when I heard a strange sound coming from the outdoors. When I took a peak out the window, I saw this beautiful pheasant on high alert near the ditch. Close by was our local black cat with white socks (Let’s call him Gus!) That must have been the reason for the bird making noise. It turned out Gus wanted nothing to do with the pheasant and trotted off. The pheasant hung around the ditch for a bit and I went back to work. We live near a pheasant hunting place and a few lucky birds escape and frequent our neighborhood. Beautiful birds, but very stupid. They get hit by cars often.
Ditch Pheasant
Paperwork. I’ve been working on paperwork and crocheting wash clothes. I love to crochet, but haven’t done much of it in the past year. I needed new dish/wash clothes and really loved the handmade ones my mother-in-law made us for Christmas one year. I searched the internet for a pattern I liked and made one with cotton yarn I had on hand. I LOVE the wash cloth I made! I ended up making one more for myself (Pink Green Purple) and another for a Christmas gift in a different color. I just finished a third one and I am not sure what I will do with it. I’ll either use it or make more and sell them in my next craft fair. (Sorry, it’s not easy photographing crocheted things, I have found.)
Wash Cloth – Pink Green PurpleWash Cloth – Teal
And now I must get back to work.
I am looking forward to so many things in this brand new year! I just wanted to stop by and say “hello!” and I hope you will take a moment and look forward to YOUR brand new year.
It was a busy month. I did my one and only craft fair of the year in Markesan, WI and it was a good day! We had a nice Thanksgiving and everything is moving so FAST!
Enjoy your last day of November 2023! Here comes December, it will be gone in a flash! 😀
We’ve had cold weather on Halloween before, but today was an all out blizzard! Trick or treat in our subdivision was two days ago, and it snowed lightly then as well. October was a lovely month, but now I am ready to take down the Halloween decorations and move on to a snuggly Thanksgiving.
Hello All! Today is Sunday and I should be taking a day of rest. But once again I am running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off, trying to get all of the things done before we begin a new week. I was about to start some laundry when I remembered I was going to post on my blog two days ago and didn’t get around to it. October is flying by and I have not stopped in once to say “hello”. So, “Hello!” 😀
Orange Dahlia in Wisconsin in October?!
This is a weird year. Sometimes it is cold and yucky like October is supposed to be. But it has also been a mild fall. So, I have orange dahlias blooming in my front yard…in October…in Wisconsin. That’s just not right.
Life is busy. I have been working a lot in my kitchen. I have been processing apples and pears into sauce and scrap vinegar. I have been cooking and baking. I have been sewing, but not as much as I should be. I have been chasing DD around to volleyball and other school activities. I have been volunteering one day a week helping with hot lunch at DD’s school. I have been playing dartball at our church and bowling with DH in a couples league. Life is good!
I hope Everyone reading this is having a fantastic Sunday, and life is good!