June 26, 2020 – Stormy Weather and another Gorgeous Sunset

Two nights ago we had some stormy weather in the evening. Naturally, I was excited to take some scary storm pictures. I also anticipated another gorgeous sunset. I was not disappointed!

Here Comes the Storm!
Sunset After the Storm
Sunset After the Storm – Later

I LOVE these pictures! The camera on my phone does a decent job of capturing the color, but I wish I could show you what WE saw. The storm cloud photo was much scarier in person.

Other than taking a few wonderful pictures, my days are pretty repetitive. I still haven’t been making anything. DD6 is home all day everyday and she is my main focus. I’ve been cleaning, cooking, playing, watching birds, running, and taking care of my garden. When I read all that, it sounds wonderful. In reality, it is getting monotonous. It would be nice to get out more. It would be nice if the kids were in school and learning with their friends. However, I KNOW we are blessed. I am thankful to God for all we have!

I must get moving. Time progresses quickly when I am busy and I can’t WAIT for the end of the day when the beautiful sunset arrives! The weather forecast shows severe storms for our area this evening, again. Hopefully, I can share some more beauties tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day!

Missie S.

June 23, 2020 – Beautiful Sunset

I haven’t been very consistent in many areas of life these last few months. However, I have noticed a trend in the subject of pictures I take. Sunsets. I have been taking a lot of pictures of sunsets.

At the end of the day when I am winding down, I notice the sunset from one of our windows. We have a wonderful view of the setting sun to the West. The colors are amazing and I naturally reach for my camera. This picture is last night’s sunset.

Clouds Rolling in at Sunset
Clouds Rolling in Farther at Sunset

Tonight, there is a front coming in and I will have to snap a shot for tomorrow.

Have a wonderful evening!

Missie S.

June 13, 2020 – Out and About

Hello, All!

Today, I got out of the house and it was NOT for grocery shopping! I met my oldest DD and we had coffee and caught up a bit. Afterward, we dropped by Hobby Lobby and browsed the store. We had so much fun just looking at EVERYTHING!

I haven’t been to Hobby Lobby or done any fun shopping since March, so almost three months. They were moving the Fall decorations into place and some of the Christmas was out on the side shelves. We looked at the jewelry section a nice, long time. It was great to imagine and plan future projects!

Hobby Lobby Christmas Aisle June 2020

I picked up a few necessities for making sock monkeys, but I also found something completely unnecessary for myself. I don’t usually wear jewelry, but today I purchased this sweet pendant. I love the tree and the colors in here.

Lovely Tree Pendant

It was great to be “out and about” for a short time today. Perhaps being “in and around” tomorrow won’t be so bad now.

Happy Saturday!

Missie S.

May 24, 2020 – Things that DON’T Suck – Day 02

It turns out there are a lot of things that suck. However, things are starting to look better. I finished my Bookkeeping classes. DD finished her Kindergarten year of school. Local businesses are starting to open up. We are waiting and watching what happens.

DD’s Chalk Art
giggleFritz Chalk Art

I haven’t made anything new, recently. I am trying to get my house in order and keep DD occupied and happy. Life is still weird.

Hopefully things will keep trending towards “Normal”. Maybe Memorial Day will help.

Have a happy Sunday! 🙂

Missie S.

April 4, 2020 – Things that DON’T suck! – Day 01

Hello, All!

Just dropping by to share some good things, or things that just don’t suck!

  1. This sunset from Thursday evening. The frogs sang all afternoon and into the night. Then we were blessed with this beautiful sunset.
Thursday, April 2, 2020 Sunset

2. Our crocuses are up!

We got outside the last four days in a row. The temperature is anywhere between 45 – 57 degrees F. We’ve been listening to and watching the birds, and watching the grass green up. We have also been watching “The Goldbergs” on Netflix and playing video games. I have been chipping away at homework, DD has had spring break this week, and DH has had to work from home. We’re busy, but it’s a weird busy.

“The Goldbergs” don’t suck. I die laughing watching this show!

I will try to share some more things that don’t suck soon.

Have a great night!

Missie S.

March 28, 2020 – Don’t say the “C” Word

The title is saucy, right? But really, I loathe that “C” word, the reason we are all locked up at home right now. It has been a full two weeks of quarantine. Eight days of homeschooling DD. Also, one week of me kind of being back to school for Bookkeeping. Our semester has been extended one week and all classes are online. No one knows what the rest of anyone’s school year looks like.

Before the quarantine happened I was accepted to be in the “It’s a Spring Thing” craft fair in Hartford, WI. A few days later the event was cancelled. The craft fair would have been today. I am disappointed we all had to miss it.

So, what have I been doing? Surviving. Staying up too late. Doing the bare minimum on housework. Cooking/preparing everyone’s food. Homeschooling DD. Not sewing. Watching TV. Doing puzzles.

Working on Puzzles! This was a fun puzzle with Doors, but missing two pieces. Used from Goodwill. What do you expect for $0.99?

I need to get out of this funk. It’s difficult. Every day we wake up and it is March in Wisconsin: cloudy, dreary, cold. We can’t make plans because no one knows when this will end. And then you feel guilty because we should count our blessings. We aren’t sick. We have everything we need. We are just bored(?).

I am going to go watch Netflix now and not think of the “C” word.

Have a nice evening, Everyone! Stay healthy!

Missie S.

February 25, 2020 – I am Still Alive!!

We laid our beautiful Christmas tree to rest on January 30th. We waited so long because I love the tree lit up at night and we were super busy with other things going on, we put off tossing it outside. I am alive, our tree is quite dead!

Hello, All! I am still alive, REALLY! Even though I have not written here for over a month, I am still alive and working hard. At many things. School is taking up most of my time. I am finishing up my Bookkeeping Certificate at Moraine Park Technical College and it eats my time up quickly. Last semester I did really well and even made the Dean’s List! I was so happy! This semester is more difficult. It’s to be expected, of course.

A page from my Accounting Textbook. I have learned so much! These classes have made me very angry, happy, and sometimes proud.

Why am I in school? Will I still sew and sell my giggleFritz products? Or, will I get back into the working world after 5-6 years of being a Stay at Home Mom? I have thought about this for many months and I am leaning heavily towards keeping giggleFritz and Co. alive. I always have new ideas. I always learn new things. But the biggest and best reason to run my own business on my time and terms is, I am around for my family.

Our DD sees what I do everyday. She is curious about making things and the tools I use. She makes her own wonderful creations! I am also here to make healthy food, pick up our DD from school when she is sick (and stay home with her so she can heal properly), clean our home, etc, etc. Can I do this while working outside of the home? Yes. Is it much more stressful on our whole family if I have a rigid office job I need to be at while DD sits in daycare? Yes. I know this. I have done the working (single) mom thing before. I am not eager to return to that lifestyle and will put it off as long as possible.

So, here I am. Alive and well. My plan is to finish my Bookkeeping Certificate so I can run my business more efficiently. I will keep learning, growing, sewing, selling, and sharing my adventures. Come along for the ride!

Have a fantastic Tuesday!

Missie S.