Huge Tomatoes and Ice Cream

The last three days I have been even more uncomfortable than usual. Sitting through church in our hard wooden pews was torture. I have been alternating frequently between sitting, standing, and laying down. To ease the pain I asked my nice husband to bring me home some ice cream. He is the best! He brought a huge bucket of New York Vanilla that should last me a few days! 🙂
It has been warm and humid the last few days here in Wisconsin. That has been good for my HUGE tomatoes that I’ve been growing this year. They are huge but need to ripen.

My HUGE Tomatoes!!

Today, I closed up all the windows and curtains and turned on the central air. I don’t like to hibernate like that in the summer, but today it was just necessary.  For the first time today I am outside on our balcony. It is 7pm and still in the 80’s! Not my kind of weather at all. From our Impatiens-adorned balcony, I can smell the aroma of chinese food from the restaurant on the other side of the block. The humidity always intensifies that smell. Most days I hate it; it smells dirty. Today, I almost like it. Maybe because all day I breathed in cool, dry oderless air. Unreal.

View From My Balcony

Well, got to go. I think the baby wants more ice cream!
Have a nice evening!
Missie 😀

Last Craft Fair

Yesterday I participated in my last craft fair. I am not sure if it will be my last craft fair ever, but the last one before our baby girl is born. I loved being out talking to all the people, but my sales were pretty poor.  I will keep selling out of the shop here on the gigglefritz web site and on Etsy.  I love creating new things, but life is uncomfortable these days and it is time to stop lugging everything everywhere.  It is also time for me to get working on some cloth diapers and decorations for the baby room.  There is plenty of work to keep me busy for the next few months. I won’t be selling my work, but it will be appreciated just the same!

August Bonfire

August Bonfire

This last Saturday we went to a bonfire at my sister and brother-in-law’s house. We roasted some marshmallows, made some s’ mores, talked and watched shooting stars. I didn’t get to see a shooting star, but I did see big and little dipper.

A friend brought her two kids, one is a sweet little baby girl. It was nice to hear her talk and make mushy mouth noises.  I will be hearing more of those mushy mouth noises very soon!

Mommy Mummy

I am trying desperately to get ready for Barton Day Craft Fair this Saturday and Stoughton Coffee Break Fest the following Saturday.  So many ideas, so much to do, but my prego lady body is not cooperating!  I just cannot move.  Something is wrong with my tailbone, a misalignment or pinched nerve.  If I walk too much,  walk up hills or stairs, bend over, bend and twist, twist while sitting,  or even think of moving I end up in agonizing pain.  I can just picture the way I look when I walk around:  like a moaning groaning mummy monster.  I am horrible at being pregnant.

On the up side, I have gotten some new things made that I really like and hope customers will too.  Since I can’t move as much as I want, it has forced me to sit still and do hand stitching on the sock creatures.  It also allows me to look at Facebook too often and that MUST stop!  Anyway, while I sit and do things, baby is NOT sitting still at all.  She wiggles and kicks and I am pretty sure, does squat thrusts inside there.  I’ve started singing her some nursery rhymes.  My favorite is “One, Two, Buckle my Shoe”.  I wonder if she will recognize them later when she is out?

Today is my Husband and my 7th wedding anniversary!  It’s been seven great years together and I can’t wait to see where the next seven years takes us.  A sweet little girl will join my husband, daughter, and me in October/November.  Will there be more kids in the next few years?  A new house?  I’m not sure, but I can’t wait to help make it all happen.

I am off to finish a few things before dinner.

Have a wonderful evening! 🙂



Sleepless in West Bend

Ugghh!! Can’t sleep. Flopped around in bed for over 20 minutes, then decided a snack sounded good.  Thank you, Jesus, for cereal!  I haven’t had much trouble sleeping being pregnant, but I am very wide awake now at nearly 2am.  I consider it good practice for late night/early morning feedings. 


Snack is over, better try to fall asleep again.


I had a great day this past Saturday. I got together with two of my sisters and we did some shopping in Juneau and Mayville, Wisconsin.  In Juneau, we stopped at a neat resale store called “Junio’s”.  We found some good deals on books and I picked up some gently used maternity clothes. I have really come to appreciate dresses while pregnant. I don’t usually wear dresses too often, but they are so liberating with my baby bump!!
After lunch, we ended up at “Carriage Haus Shops” in Mayville.  This store, I think you would call a co-op of small business owners who sell a variety of goods: artists, crafters, resalers, antique sellers, etc. It was here that I found the neatest thing. I bought this little ceramic cat, squatting down on all fours. He is a tape dispenser and the tape goes over his head as he ducks down.  I am not a big cat lover, in fact I am a dog person. But, the shape, colors, usefulness, and price of this little guy was simply perfect. I had to have him!!

My Treasure!

It was wonderful to get out and treasure hunt. I’m inspired with new ideas and perspectives.  I want to create someone’s next treasure!
Happy Monday, Everyone! 😀

Homework: Cloth Diapers

It has been horribly humid in Southeastern Wisconsin the past few days.  We spent a good deal of time outside over 4th of July weekend and it was draining on the body.  It has been nice staying in the condo since Monday, stitching Sock Monkeys and working on my Etsy Shop.

When I feel my inventory of crafty items is in good order, I will need to attend to a new, important project: cloth diaper making.  I have been doing my homework on this subject, and goodness, there are so many web sites out there on cloth diapering!!  There are so many patterns and tutorials.  You can buy fitted cloth diapers from crafters, ebay, or distributors.  People sell used cloth diapers (I had NO idea that was “a thing”).

For my first daughter, I used all disposable diapers.  I tried cloth diapering in the beginning, and it did not go well.  We used the prefolds with the plastic pants and they always leaked.  Little did I know then, we were probably using diapers that did not fit correctly.  I had NO time on my hands, much less time for leaking diapers, so disposables were the thing, the EXPENSIVE, bad for the environment thing.  Over the years I have tried to cut down on disposable everything.  I maybe buy one roll of paper towels in a year, MAYBE one.  We use and reuse dish rags and towels at my house.  I am not willing to clog up landfills with thousands more disposable diapers.  So, I’ve been reading many different web sites, trying to find the easiest way to make diapers that will not leak.  I have gathered old t-shirts, other shirts, etc. but I will need to get to Joann Fabrics soon for a few more things.  When I get a few made, I will post a picture of my creation.  They may not be pretty, I just need them to work!

Off to work I go!

Happy Day, All! 🙂



Happy July 1st!!

Happy July 1st everyone!  Nothing monumental happened today, but at least the weather was truly beautiful.  If every day had weather like today, my attitude would be significantly more cheerful.

I started a new sock monkey today and am determined to finish it in less than a week this time.  I finished a Socktopus this morning and it is posted in the giggleFritz shop and Etsy Shop.  That Socktopus should have been for sale last week, but I did not make myself sew on the last leg and apply his face.  Well, done, done, done.  It’s time to get hoppin’!

Last week I sent in my registration papers for this year’s Coffee Break Fest craft fair in Stoughton, Wisconsin.  It is my favorite craft fair of the year!  I am a little bummed I won’t be able to sample the coffee in the contest this year (no caffeine, Prego Girl!!).  I love the people and the car show and hope it’s a great Festival this year.  Oh, and no rain!

I am off to catch the rest of the Milwaukee Brewer’s game and some Duck Dynasty with my husband.

Enjoy the rest of your July 1st! 😀


Final Day of June

Here we are, the final day of June.  I have heard so often lately, “Can you believe it?  We are almost done with June, 4th of July is coming up fast!  June went so fast!  Before you know it summer will be over!”  I wish time would go more quickly.  On this final day of June my husband and I attended a funeral.  My daughter had “the last straw” with a horrible coworker at her job.  There is just an overall feeling of gloom, too many “downs” that outweigh the “ups” this month.

I don’t mean this post to be such a downer.  I am actually looking forward to a fresh start in July.  So, here’s to making July a better month, one that I wish would last so much longer!

Enjoy the rest of your “Final Day of June”!

Missie 😀