Our little one loves a good book. She has a small library to choose from. Roughly 90% of her bookshelf holds tough board books that can take a good beating from a 15 month old. The other 10% are normal weighted paper that I monitor closely. Regardless, if it is board book or paper, she shows no discrimination when it comes to pealing off a piece of a cover, a corner of a page or flap hiding a pink elephant. Every few days I get out my packing tape and work my giggleFritz magic! 😉
I am not angry that I have to mend these books. I have always taken good care of the books in my possession. I have taught the same to my oldest daughter and will teach our new little one when she is old enough. I like working with the paper anyway, and I am not fond of throwing away any book. I am actually just glad that we are using these books and “loving” the crap out of them so much, that they need some maintenance once in a while.
In other news, my tomato plants I planted last week, are up! They peaked their heads out of the soil on Monday. Also, I planted some marigolds last Saturday and those popped up this morning. I was surprised by the marigolds. That is only 4-5 days they needed to sprout. I am very proud of the start of my little garden. I can’t wait to have a garden on the land that I live on. It has always been a plot on someone else’s land and I would have to drive over to maintain/water/weed/pick. For the first time I will be able to walk outside my back door and putz around in my garden!!

So, I am off to do great things! I have a few things in the works I am hoping to finish up and share with you soon.
Have a great day!