Holidays are a lot of work, aren’t they? I really look forward to Thanksgiving every year, and every year I overdo it. I underestimate all the work I put into planning, cooking, cleaning, and visiting with family. My biggest problem is that I don’t say “no” enough. Do you want more pie? YES! Do you want to go shopping at 11PM at Target? YES! Do you want MORE pie? YES! I need to say “NO” more often.
We wound up at Target in Germantown around 11PM on Thanksgiving. There was nowhere to park. We drove around a while looking for a spot. After driving up and down the rows of cars for ten minutes, we finally got a spot and almost ran over a group of kids in the process. There were crowds of people everywhere. People were rushing in, people were rushing out. Some people had bags of stuff, other people left without anything. The store was packed with televisions and Hello Kitty blankets. I looked around at different things, but nothing I wanted was on sale.
When we entered the store we immediately noticed the long line to check out. One person from our group got in line right away while the others went to shop. (He came along for a different store.) When I went to join him he was carrying a few items. You can’t wait in the line to check out if you don’t have any items. So, along the way he picked up a few things that other people left behind. We picked up so many DVDs and video games in line it was funny! We didn’t purchase all of them, but we did leave with four seasons of the Big Bang Theory. Score!

Though I overdid it on Thanksgiving and wore myself out, I am fully recharged and happily in the Christmas spirit! I have been listening to my favorite Christmas CD, “A Winter’s Night: The Best of Nettwerk Christmas”. My sister gave the CD to me for Christmas one year when I asked for it on my list. I REALLY wanted the CD because it has “Christmas Day” by Dido, on it.

Now I need to get a tree and decorate, and bake some cookies, and finish Christmas shopping, and, and, and….!
Have a great day!