Good Morning, Everyone!
Welcome September, and the start of the “ber” season: SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovermBER, DecemBER!!!! This is my favorite time of the whole year and I am ready to get to work.
I didn’t go to Coffee Break Fest in Stoughton, WI on August 20th. That day it just HAD to rain on and off all day. Months before Coffee Break Fest I prayed that we would not have the hot, humid, awful weather we suffered through in 2015. Two weeks before the festival the forecast said it would storm that day. I thought the forecast had plenty of time to change, the weathermen are rarely correct. Throughout those two weeks they were adamant it would storm. The night before the festival the radar confirmed what they were saying was true: it was going to STORM! I thought for a long time about going in the rain or sitting it out this year. I pulled out of the craft fair because I knew my equipment wasn’t sufficient for storms, many of my things would be ruined. I was so disappointed. But, it did rain. And now, I am moving on.
So, what’s new? Last Saturday I stopped in at The Bees Knees in West Bend, a store that sells vintage and handmade products. I inquired about renting space, but they were full. No problem. (What a beautiful store!) I will see if anyone else has a permanent space. I am looking for one or two more craft fairs to finish off this year. I am also planning ahead for next year.
I am off to work on more books and sock monkeys. Have a wonderful first day of the “ber” season!
Missie S.
Happy September 1st everyone! Not only is it the first day of September, it is the first day of the ‘BER season: September, October, November and December. This is my most favorite time of the year for the food, the cool air, the beautiful foliage, football and more. It is the perfect time to be inspired to create something new. I hope you enjoyed your September 1st and Happy ‘BER season to you!