Farewell, July! Hello, August! Back to School indeed!
In the giggleFritz studio I am counting down the days until Coffee Break Fest on Saturday, August 17. I have been working on Sock Monkeys, Socktopus Guys, and bibs/burp clothes in particular. Love, love, LOVE this craft fair/festival!
In our household we have been counting down the days until Kindergarten begins: 21 days! In the meantime we have been wearing ourselves out at the playground, riding bikes, running/walking 5k’s, reading books, playing stuffed animals, going to Milwaukee Brewer games, traveled up to Ashland, WI to see Big Bay State Park, swimming, etc. We are about summered out!
Hold on! This month is going to fly by so fast your head will spin! (and THAT’s how I like my August!)
Happy August 1st!
Missie S.