Hello All!
I have been avoiding my garden lately. It has been too hot and humid for me to dig into the weed problem. However, today was one of the most beautiful days we will have all year. I didn’t waste it. I spent a good portion of the day weeding my garden. And my body is FEELING it!

I am super excited for these pumpkin plants! I love watching them grow as we approach fall and Halloween. I was worried they wouldn’t do well because they are kind of close to a Maple tree. I hear that is bad.

This is the second year I have planted pole beans and I am loving them! Last year was the first time I tried them and they produced all summer. This year I did a better job with trellising them. I made two good-sized tee-pees for them to climb, thanks to a YouTube video I watched from The Farmer’s Almanac. Tee Pee for climbing Beans Video
Besides gardening, I also put the finishing touches on a Socktopus and started work on a new yellow and purple Socktopus. I will be listing a few new things shortly. I also have a loooooong list of things that need sewing for the upcoming craft fair at Coffee Break Fest in August. So, my aching gardening body is off to work on a few things before turning in for the night.
Have a wonderful night and great weekend!
Missie S.