sock monkey
July 30, 2020 – New in the giggleFritz Shop!!
August 01, 2019 – Hello, August!

Farewell, July! Hello, August! Back to School indeed!
In the giggleFritz studio I am counting down the days until Coffee Break Fest on Saturday, August 17. I have been working on Sock Monkeys, Socktopus Guys, and bibs/burp clothes in particular. Love, love, LOVE this craft fair/festival!
In our household we have been counting down the days until Kindergarten begins: 21 days! In the meantime we have been wearing ourselves out at the playground, riding bikes, running/walking 5k’s, reading books, playing stuffed animals, going to Milwaukee Brewer games, traveled up to Ashland, WI to see Big Bay State Park, swimming, etc. We are about summered out!
Hold on! This month is going to fly by so fast your head will spin! (and THAT’s how I like my August!)
Happy August 1st!
Missie S.
March 20, 2019 – Happy Spring!!
I truly wish the first day of spring on the calendar matched the weather in Wisconsin. It is warming up and drying up from the recent flooding we had. However, it is a gray and cloudy day outside on this “First Day of Spring”.
I am indoors sewing bibs and sock monkeys for the upcoming, “It’s a Spring Thing” craft fair on Saturday, March 30th. I briefly remembered today is the first day of spring and decided to share my mixed media sock monkey picture with you all. It makes me smile. I hope you smile too! 🙂
PS – Dairy Queen is giving away free ice cream cones, while supplies last. I am not getting one, but it’s not too late for you!
Have a fantastic day!
Missie S.
Happy St. Nick!!
Post St. Ann’s Holiday Craft Fair Report
This past Saturday I had the gFritz booth open in the St. Ann’s Holiday Gift Fair in Stoughton, Wisconsin. It was a great craft fair! It was a smaller venue, but I still sold a decent amount and talked to some wonderful people. Colette Vitiritti of Willow Works was there with her mom and brother. She makes beautiful jewelry! I traded with her back in August: a striped sock monkey for a beautiful green necklace and pair of earrings. They were in the booth next to me. It was great seeing them again!
I also got the chance to meet Bonnie Wanta of Bonnie’s Cottage Boutique. Bonnie came over and talked for a little bit. I had to tell her my sister and I love her children’s capes she had displayed at her booth. They were so adorable! Check them out and other neat things she makes in her Etsy shop. It was great to talk with her about her business and selling in general. There were other really nice people at this event. I will be back next year if they’ll have me!
Now I am off to do business-y things, but before I go, I leave you with my good friend Socky Claus. I took some time and did something Christmas-y last week to divert for a little while. He needs some work, but I like him. Hope you do too!
Big girl pants on, let’s go! 😀