Two nights ago we had some stormy weather in the evening. Naturally, I was excited to take some scary storm pictures. I also anticipated another gorgeous sunset. I was not disappointed!
I LOVE these pictures! The camera on my phone does a decent job of capturing the color, but I wish I could show you what WE saw. The storm cloud photo was much scarier in person.
Other than taking a few wonderful pictures, my days are pretty repetitive. I still haven’t been making anything. DD6 is home all day everyday and she is my main focus. I’ve been cleaning, cooking, playing, watching birds, running, and taking care of my garden. When I read all that, it sounds wonderful. In reality, it is getting monotonous. It would be nice to get out more. It would be nice if the kids were in school and learning with their friends. However, I KNOW we are blessed. I am thankful to God for all we have!
I must get moving. Time progresses quickly when I am busy and I can’t WAIT for the end of the day when the beautiful sunset arrives! The weather forecast shows severe storms for our area this evening, again. Hopefully, I can share some more beauties tomorrow.
Have a wonderful day!
Missie S.