As you may have read, I have been busy getting ready for our new little girl. My latest project has been making a nursing cover to use for nursing in public. I really have been hoping I NEVER have to do that, but just in case, I am now prepared! I am not posting a tutorial on this project. There were so many tutorials on the internet, you can easily pick and choose which one works well for you. I chose to work with a tutorial from a blog called “Little Birdie Secrets“. I used most of their tutorial and improvised when adding boning and straps at the end.
![Nursing Cover Hanging (Medium)](
![Nursing Cover Folded (Medium)](
![Nursing Cover Strap (Medium)](
I had fun making this nursing cover. Everything I used I had on hand from past projects. It was so much fun picking out the fabric and I can’t wait to pick out fabric for a backup! I didn’t use boning as the tutorial instructed. Instead, I ended up using the rim of an ice cream bucket lid. Another blogger, who posted a tutorial on making a nursing cover, said she used the rim of an oatmeal container lid. That got me thinking and so I used the ice cream bucket lid. I also like finishing up the project my own way, and having my way work out. 🙂
Along with cleaning, cooking, and stocking up on groceries for the next two weeks, this is what I have been up to lately during my wait. Back to making some fitted cloth diapers.
Have a great Thursday! 😀
Missie S.